Checking Logs
In order to check the logs the logs file will be in ~/.armada directory.
When running Armada in the container you can execute docker logs to retrieve logs
docker logs [container-name | container-id]
A guide for interpreting errors/exceptions can be found here.
Working with SSL
You might run into SSL error with armada if you are not using the correct versions of SSL.
Debugging Checklist:
python -c “import ssl; print ssl.OPENSSL_VERSION”
If the version that appears is less than 1.0, then problems will occur. Please update to current or use our docker container solve this issue
check your urllib3 version, you could run into urllib3 issues. older versions of this lib can cause SSL errors run
pip install --upgrade urllib3
and it should solve this issue
If the issue that you are having does not appear here please check the Armada issues on GitHub. If the issue does not exist, please create an issue.