airshipctl cluster get-kubeconfig

Airshipctl command to retrieve kubeconfig for a desired cluster(s)


Retrieves kubeconfig of the cluster(s) and prints it to stdout.

If you specify single CLUSTER_NAME, kubeconfig will have a CurrentContext set to CLUSTER_NAME and will have its context defined.

If you specify multiple CLUSTER_NAME args, kubeconfig will contain contexts for all of them, but current one won’t be specified.

If you don’t specify CLUSTER_NAME, kubeconfig will have multiple contexts for every cluster in the airship site. Context names will correspond to cluster names. CurrentContext will be empty.

airshipctl cluster get-kubeconfig [CLUSTER_NAME...] [flags]


Retrieve target-cluster kubeconfig
# airshipctl cluster get-kubeconfig target-cluster

Retrieve kubeconfig for the entire site; the kubeconfig will have context for every cluster
# airshipctl cluster get-kubeconfig

Specify a file where kubeconfig should be written
# airshipctl cluster get-kubeconfig --file ~/my-kubeconfig

Merge site kubeconfig with existing kubeconfig file.
Keep in mind that this can override a context if it has the same name
Airshipctl will overwrite the contents of the file, if you want merge with existing file, specify "--merge" flag
# airshipctl cluster get-kubeconfig --file ~/.airship/kubeconfig --merge


-f, --file string   specify where to write kubeconfig file. If flag isn't specified, airshipctl will write it to stdout
-h, --help          help for get-kubeconfig
    --merge         specify if you want to merge kubeconfig with the one that exists at --file location

Options inherited from parent commands

--airshipconf string   path to the airshipctl configuration file. Defaults to "$HOME/.airship/config"
--debug                enable verbose output