airshipctl phase list

Airshipctl command to list phases


List phases defined in site manifests by plan. Phases within a plan are executed sequentially. Multiple phase plans are executed in parallel.

airshipctl phase list PHASE_NAME [flags]


List phases of phasePlan
# airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan

To output the contents in table format (default operation)
# airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan -o table

To output the contents in yaml format
# airshipctl phase list --plan phasePlan -o yaml

List all phases
# airshipctl phase list

List phases with clustername
# airshipctl phase list --cluster-name clustername


-c, --cluster-name string   filter documents by cluster name
-h, --help                  help for list
-o, --output string         output format. Supported formats are 'table' and 'yaml' (default "table")
    --plan string           plan name of a plan

Options inherited from parent commands

--airshipconf string   path to the airshipctl configuration file. Defaults to "$HOME/.airship/config"
--debug                enable verbose output