airshipctl phase render

Airshipctl command to render phase documents from model


Render documents for a phase.

airshipctl phase render PHASE_NAME [flags]


Get all 'initinfra' phase documents containing labels "app=helm" and "service=tiller"
# airshipctl phase render initinfra -l app=helm,service=tiller

Get all phase documents containing labels "app=helm" and "service=tiller" and kind 'Deployment'
# airshipctl phase render initinfra -l app=helm,service=tiller -k Deployment

Get all documents from config bundle
# airshipctl phase render --source config

Get all documents executor rendered documents for a phase
# airshipctl phase render initinfra --source executor


-a, --annotation string   filter documents by Annotations
-g, --apiversion string   filter documents by API version
-d, --decrypt             ensure that decryption of encrypted documents has finished successfully
-h, --help                help for render
-k, --kind string         filter documents by Kind
-l, --label string        filter documents by Labels
-s, --source string       phase: phase entrypoint will be rendered by kustomize, if entrypoint is not specified error will be returned
                          executor: rendering will be performed by executor if the phase
                          config: this will render bundle containing phase and executor documents (default "phase")

Options inherited from parent commands

--airshipconf string   path to the airshipctl configuration file. Defaults to "$HOME/.airship/config"
--debug                enable verbose output