airshipctl config set-context

Airshipctl command to create/modify context in airshipctl config file


Creates or modifies context in the airshipctl config file based on the CONTEXT_NAME passed or for the current context if –current flag is specified. It accepts optional flags which include manifest name and management-config name.

airshipctl config set-context CONTEXT_NAME [flags]


To create a new context named "exampleContext"
# airshipctl config set-context exampleContext --manifest=exampleManifest

To update the manifest of the current-context
# airshipctl config set-context --current --manifest=exampleManifest


    --current                    update the current context
-h, --help                       help for set-context
    --management-config string   set the management config for the specified context
    --manifest string            set the manifest for the specified context

Options inherited from parent commands

--airshipconf string   path to the airshipctl configuration file. Defaults to "$HOME/.airship/config"
--debug                enable verbose output