airshipctl config set-manifest

Airshipctl command to create/modify manifests in airship config


Creates or modifies a manifests in the airshipctl config file based on the MANIFEST_NAME argument passed. The optional flags that can be passed to the command are repo name, url, branch name, tag name, commit hash, target-path and metadata-path. Use –force flag to enable force checkout of the repo. And use –phase flag to enable phase repository. For any new site deployment, or testing of any new function or composite, this config file will not have any customization, respective changes need to be done in the manifest files only.

airshipctl config set-manifest MANIFEST_NAME [flags]


Create a new manifest
# airshipctl config set-manifest exampleManifest --repo exampleRepo --url \
  --branch master --phase --target-path exampleTargetpath

Change the phase repo for manifest
# airshipctl config set-manifest e2e --repo exampleRepo --phase

Change the target-path for manifest
# airshipctl config set-manifest e2e --target-path /tmp/e2e


    --branch string          the branch to be associated with repository in this manifest
    --commithash string      the commit hash to be associated with repository in this manifest
    --force                  if set, enable force checkout in repository with this manifest
-h, --help                   help for set-manifest
    --metadata-path string   the metadata path to be set for this manifest
    --phase                  if set, enable this repository as phase repository to be used with this manifest
    --repo string            the name of the repository to be associated with this manifest
    --tag string             the tag to be associated with repository in this manifest
    --target-path string     the target path to be set for this manifest
    --url string             the repository url to be associated with this manifest

Options inherited from parent commands

--airshipconf string   path to the airshipctl configuration file. Defaults to "$HOME/.airship/config"
--debug                enable verbose output